Knjaza Milosa no. 7, 38220 Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia

др Милена Зечевић

dr Milena Zečević

vanredni profesor
+381 28 425 320
ul. Knjaza Miloša br. 7, 38220 Kosovska Mitrovica
Department Department of Technology

Professional title

Doktor nauka – metalurško inženjerstvo

Narrow scientific field


Date of election to the title

19.11.2020. godine


DT1 Termodinamika čvrstog stanja

DT15 Fizika čvrstog stanja

OT10 Fizička hemija 1

OT15 Fizička hemija 2

OT57 Fazne transformacije

OT76 Elementarna i specijalna analiza

OT68 Metode detekcije elemenata u tragovima

OT39 Karakterizacija materijala

OT83 Termijska ispitivanja materijala

OT33 Metode ispitivanja materijala

OZ5 Uvod u materijale

Papers in journals from SCI list
  1. Dragan Manasijević, Ljubiša Balanović, Ivana Marković, Milan Gorgievski, Uroš Stamenković, Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Aleksandar Đorđević, Vladan Ćosović, Study of thermal properties and microstructure of the AgGe alloys, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 147, (2022), 19551964. (IF(2020)=4.626) M21, Thermodynamics (8/60)
  2. Dragan Manasijević, Ljubiša Balanović, Ivana Marković, Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Aleksandar Đorđević, Milan Gorgievski, Uroš Stamenković Microstructure and thermal properties of the BiAg alloys, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 147, (2022), 19651972 (IF(2020)=4.626) M21, Thermodynamics (8/60)
  3. Milena Premovic, Dusko Minic, Yong Du, Milan Kolarevic, Milan Milosavljevic, Thermodynamic description, hardness and electrical conductivity of the BiNiZn system: Experiment and modeling, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 825, 5 (2020), 154156. (IF(2019)=4.65) M21, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (81/314)
  4. A. Djordjevic, M. Premovic, D. Minic, V. Cosovic, D. Manasijevic, Experimental examination and thermodynamic description of the ternary Bi-Ge-Ga,Zn systems, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 142 (2020) 10600. (IF(2019)=2.88) M21, Thermodynamics (14/61)
  5. Nemanja Tošković, Milena Premović, Milorad Tomić, Duško Minić, Dragan Manasijević, Milan Gorgievski Experimental Examination And Thermodynamic Description Of The Ternary Ag-Ge-Sn System, The Journal Of Chemical Thermodynamics, Volume 131, (2019) , Pages 563-571 (IF(2019)=2.88) M21, Thermodynamics (14/61) Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Jct.2018.12.003
  6. P. Broz, G. Rogl, X. Yan, M. Premovic, V. Soprunyuk, P. Heinrich, E. Bauer, W. Schranz, P. Rogl Physical properties of TiMn2 and interaction with refractory TiN (system Ti-Mn-N), Journal of Alloys and Compounds 740 (2018) 647-659. (IF(2018)=4.175) M21, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (65/293)
  7. Dušan Milisavljević, Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Dragan Manasijević, Nebojša Košanin, Experimental examination and thermodynamic description of the ternary Ag-Ge-In system, Thermochimica Acta 665 (2018) 110. (IF(2018)=2.412) M21, Thermodynamics (16/60) 8.
  8. Milena Premović, Yong Du, Fan Zhang, Bo Sundman, Duško Minić, Biao Hu, Phase equilibria in the ternary B-Ce-Cu system with a thermodynamic reassessment of the binary B-Ce system, Thermochimica Acta 657 (2017) 185196. (IF(2017)=2.501) M21, Thermodynamics (15/59)
  9. Milena Premovic, Yong Du, Dusko Minic, Cong Zhang, Dragan Manasijevic, Ljubisa Balanovic, Ivana Markovic, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculation of the Cu-Ge-Sb system, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 726 (2017) 820-832 (IF(2017)=3.779) M21, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (61/285) Doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.08.051
  10. A. U. Khan, P. Broz, Milena Premovic, J. Pavlu,J. Vrestal, X. Yan, D. Maccio, A. Saccone, G. Giester and P. Rogl, The TiMn system revisited: experimental investigation and thermodynamic modelling, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (2016) 23326-23339. (IF(2015)=4.123) M21, Chemistry, Physical (38/146) DOI: 10.1039/C6CP04542A!divAbstract
  11. Dragan Manasijevic, Dusko Minic, Ljubisa Balanovic, Milena Premovic, Milan Gorgievski, Dragana Zivkovic, Dusan Milisavljevic, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic prediction of the Al-Bi-In phase diagram, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 687 (2016) 969-975. (IF(2016)=3.133) M21, Materials  cience, Multidisciplinary (66/275) ISSN 0925-8388, DOI:10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.06.262
  12. Ivana Marković, Svetlana Nestorović, Boštjan Markoli, Milena Premović, Sašo Šturm, Anneal hardening in cold rolled PM Cu-Au alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 658(2016) 393399. (IF(2016)=3.094) M21, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (69/275) ISSN: 0921-5093, DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2016.02.029
  13. Dragan Manasijevic, Dusko Minic, Milena Premovic, Ljubisa Balanovic, Dragana Zivkovic, Ivana Manasijevic, Srba Mladenovic Thermodynamic calculations and characterization of the Bi-Ga-In ternary alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 664 (2016) 199-208 (IF(2016)=3.133) M21, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (66/275) ISSN 0925-8388, DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.12.233 ili
  14. Ivana Markovic, Svetlana Nestorovic, Bostjan Markoli, Milena Premovic, Srba Mladenovic, Study of anneal hardening in cold worked Cu-Au alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 658 (2016) 414-421. (IF(2016)=3.133) M21, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (66/275) ISSN 0925-8388, DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.10.208 ili
  15. Dusko Minic, Milena Premovic, Dragan Manasijevic, Vladan Cosovic, Dragana Zivkovic, Aleksandar Markovic, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculations of the Ag-Bi-Ga phase diagram, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 646 (2015) 461-471. (IF(2015)=3.014) M21, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (58/271) ISSN 0925-8388, DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.05.163 ili
  16. Vladan Cosović, Duško Minić, Dragan Manasijević, Milena Premović, Irma Dervišević, Dragana Živković, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculations of the Ag-Ga-Zn phase diagram, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 632 (2015) 783793. (IF(2015)=3.014) M21, Materials Science,  Multidisciplinary (58/271) ISSN 0925-8388, DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.01.181 ili
  17. Milena Premović, Dragan Manasijević, Duško Minić, Dragana Živković, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculation of the Ge-In-Sb phase diagram, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 148 (2014) 356-363. (IF (2014)= 2.259) M21, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (69/260) ISSN 0254-0584, DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2014.07.055 ili
  18. Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Vladan Ćosović, Dragan Manasijević, Ljilja Nedeljković, Dragana Živković, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculations of the CuInNi phase diagram, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 617 (2014) 379-388. (IF(2014)=2,999) M21, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (48/260) ISSN 0925-8388, DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.07.140 ili
  19. Milena Premović, Dragan Manasijević, Duško Minić, Dragana Živković, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic prediction of the AgGeSb phase diagram, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 610 (2014) 161-168. (IF(2014)=2,999) M21, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (48/260) ISSN 0925-8388, DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.04.208 ili
  20. Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Vladan Ćosović, Dragan Manasijević, Dragana Živković, Ana Kostov, Nadezda Talijan, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculations of the AlCuSb phase diagram, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 555 (2013) 347-356. (IF(2013)= 2.726) M21, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (48/260) ISSN 0925-8388, DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2012.12.059 ili
  21. Milena Premović, Duško Minić, Dragan Manasijević, Dragana Živković, Jelena Djokić, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculations of the AgSbZn phase diagram, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 548 (2013) 249-256. (IF(2013)= 2.726) M21, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (48/260) ISSN 0925-8388, DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2012.09.030 ili
  22. Duško Minić, Dragan Manasijević, Jelena Đokić, Nadežda Talijan, Dragana Živković, Milena Premović, Phase transformations in the ternary AgGaSb system, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 134 (2012) 287-293. (IF(2012)= 2.072) M21, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (61/241) ISSN 0254-0584, DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2012.02.067 ili
  23. Duško Minić, Dragan Manasijević, Vladan Ćosovic, Nadežda Talijan, Živan Živković, Dragana Živković, Milena Premović, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic prediction of the CuSbZn phase diagram, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 517 (2012) 31-39. (IF(2012)= 2.390) M21, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (49/241) ISSN 0925-8388, DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2011.11.130
  24. Milena Premović, Aleksandar Djordjević, Duško Minić, Dragan Manasijević, Branko Radičević, Nenad Kolarević, Vladica Ristić, Thermodynamic description and electrical conductivity of the Ge-In-Zn system: Experiments and modeling, Calphad, accepted on 29 april,
  25. Huixin Liu, Yuling Liu, Changfa Du, Yong Du, Zhoushun Zheng, Shuhong Liu, Milena Premovic, Jieqiong Hu, Ming Xie, Diffusivity and atomic mobility in fcc CuMnSi alloys: measurements and modeling by CALTPP program, Journal of Materials Science, 57, (2022) 52415257. (IF(2020)=4.22) M22, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (122/334)
  26. Liying Wu, Yong Du, Milena Premovic, Biao Hu, Huaqing Zhang, Jianchuan Wang, Yuling Liu, Thermodynamic assessment of the As-X (X=Si, Ge, Sn) binary systems, Calphad, 74, (2021), 102296. (IF(2020)= 2.017) M22, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (246/334)
  27. Milan Milosavljevic, Milena Premovic, DuskoMinic, Dragan Manasijevic, Aleksandar Todic, Milica Tomovic, Thermodynamic description of the Cu-Ge-Pb system: Experiment and modeling, Calphad, 72, (2021), 102216. (IF(2020)= 2.017) M22, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (246/334)
  28. Yinping Zeng, Yuling Liu, Qianhui Min, Shiyi Wen, Changfa Du, Zhoushun Zheng, Huixin Liu, Yong Du, Milena Premovic, Jiong Wang, Diffusion coefficients and atomic mobilities in fcc NiCuMo alloys: Experiment and modeling, Calphad, 71, (2020), 102209 (IF(2020)= 2.017) M22, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (246/334)
  29. Dušan Milisavljević, Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Dragan Manasijević, Ljubiša Balanović, Experimental examination and thermodynamic description of the ternary Ag-Ge-Ga system, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 126 (2019) 5564. (IF(2019)=3.442) M22, Chemistry, Multidisciplinary (62/177)
  30. J. Sopoušek, A. Kryštofová, M. Premović, O. Zobač, S. Polsterová, P. Brož, J. Buršík, Au-Ni nanoparticles: Phase diagram prediction, synthesis, characterization and thermal stability, CALPHAD, 58 (2017) 2533. (IF(2017)= 1.935) M22, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (150/285) Doi: 10.1016/j.calphad.2017.05.002
  31. Milena Premović, Yong Du, Dusko Minić, Bo Sundman, Cong Zhang, Andy Watson, Dragan Manasijević and Aleksandar Djordjević, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculations of the AgGaSn phase diagram, Calphad, 56 (2017) 215223. (IF(2017)= 1.935) M22, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (150/285)
  32. Milena Premovic, Pavel Broz, Dusko Minic, Dragan Manasijevic, Dragana Zivkovic, Vladan Cosovic, Aleksandar Ðordevic, Thermodynamic assessment and experimental study of the Al-Ag-Ga phase diagram, Thermochimica Acta 646 (2016) 3948 (IF(2014)=2.184) M22, Chemistry, Physical (69/139) ISSN 0040-6031, DOI: 10.1016/j.tca.2016.11.005
  33. Milena Premović, Duško Minić, Dragan Manasijević, Vladan Ćosović, Dragana Živković, Irma Dervišević, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculations ofthe Bi-In-Ni phase diagram, Thermochimica Acta, 609, (2015), 6174. (IF(2014)=2.184) M22, Chemistry, Physical (69/139) ISSN 0040-6031, DOI: 10.1016/j.tca.2015.02.022 ili
  34. Milena Premović, Duško Minić, Vladan Cosović, Dragan Manasijević, Dragana Živković, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculations of the Bi-Ge-Sb phase diagram, Metallurgical and materials transactions A, 45A (2014) 4829-4841. (IF (2014)=1.730) M22, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (115/260) ISSN 1073-5623, DOI: 10.1007/s11661-014-2445-4
  35. Aleksandar Djordjević, Milena Premović Zečević, Duško Minić, Dragan Manasijević, Branko Radičević, Nenad Kolarević, Vladica Ristić, Experimental Study of the Phase Equilibria in the Ternary Ga-Ge-Zn System Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion (2022)  (IF (2019)=1.468) M23, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (280/334)
  36. Milan Milosavljevic, Milena Premovic, Dusko Minic, Dragan Manasijevic, Aleksandar Djordjevic, Milica Tomovic, Thermodynamic Description of the Cu-Ge-In System: Experiment and Modeling, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 42, (2021), 851863 (IF (2019)=1.468) M23, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (280/334)
  37. Milan Milosavljevica, Milena Premovic, Dusko Minic, Vladan Cosovic, Aleksandar Djordjevic, Milica Tomovic, Experimental Investigation of Phase Equilibria in the Bi-Cu-Ge System, Materials Research. 2021; 24(6): e20210201 DOI: (IF (2020)= 1.524) M23, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (278/334)
  38. Meng Xiao, Yong Du, Kai Xu, Biao Hu, Zhijian Liu, Chenying Shi, Milena Premović, Yuling Liu, Experimental Investigations of the Isothermal Sections for the Ni-Si-Zr Ternary System at 1023 and 1173 K, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion volume 41, pages615622 (2020) (IF (2019)=1.468) M23, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (280/334)
  39. Milena Premovic, Yong Du, Yuling Liu, Changfa Du, Shiyi Weng, Peng Deng, Qianhui Min, Xinhui Liu, Diffusivities and Atomic Mobilities for the Cu-Rich fcc Cu-Al-Sn Alloys at 1073 K, Journal Of Phase Equilibria And Diffusion (2020), (IF (2019)=1.315) M23, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (254/314)
  40. A. Djordjević, D. Minić, M. Premović, D. Manasijević, V. Ćosović, Experimental Examination and Thermodynamic Description of the Ternary Bi-Ge-In and -Sn Systems, Journal Of Phase Equilibria And Diffusion (2019), (IF (2019)=1.315) M23, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (254/314) DOI: 10.1007/s11669-019-00749-5.
  41. Dušan Milisavljević, Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Dragan Manasijević, Vladan Ćosović, Nebojša Košanin, Combined Thermodynamic Description And Experimental Investigation Of The Ternary Ag-Bi-Ge System, International Journal Of Thermophysics, (2019) 40: 29. (IF (2019)=0.794) M23, Thermodynamics (54/61) DOI :10.1007/S10765-019-2495-3.
  42. A. Marković, D. Minić, M. Premović, D. Manasijević, D. Guresić, M. Kolarević, Effect of chemical composition on the microstructure, hardness and electrical conductivity profiles of the Ag-Bi-Ge alloysMaterials Research. 2019; 22(6): e20190372. (IF (2019)=1.468) M23, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (245/314) DOI:
  43. Aleksandar Markovic, Milena Premovic, Dusko Minic, Dejan Guresic, Dragan Manasijevic, and Aleksandar Djordjevic, Effect of Chemical Composition on the Microstructure and Properties of the Ag-Ga-Ge Alloys, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, (2019) 1-8. (IF (2019)=1.652) M23, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (229/314)
  44. D. Manasijevic, D. Minic, Lj. Balanovic, M. Premovic, M. Gorgievski, Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Extrapolation of the Ga-Ge-Sb Phase Diagram, J. Phase Equilib. Diffus. (2019) 40:3444 a. (IF (2019)=1.315) M23, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (254/314)
  45. D. Minić, M. Premović, N. Tošković, D. Manasijević, V. Ćosović, M. Janaćković, M. Tomović, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculations of the Bi-Ni-Pb phase diagram, J. Min. Metall. Sect. B-Metall. 55 (2) B, (2019) 157-166 (IF (2019)=1.134) M23, Metallurgy and Metallurgical Engineering (51/79) b. DOI: 10.2298/JMMB181128024M
  46. Nemanja Toskovic, Dusko Minic, Milena Premovic, Dragan Manasijevic, Aleksandar Djordjevic, Aleksandar Markovic, Experimental Investigation of the Ternary Ge-Sn-In and Ge-Sn-Zn Systems, J. Phase Equilib. Diffus., 39(6) (2018) 933943. (IF (2018)=1.315) M23, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (254/314)
  47. Aleksandar Dordević, Milena Premović, Duško Minić, Vladan Ćosović, Milutin Živković, Dragan Manasijević, Milan Kolarević, Experimental Evaluation of 300 ºC section of Cu-In-Ni Phase Diagram, Hardness and Electrical Conductivity of Selected Alloy, Materials Research. 21(3) (2018) e20170699. (IF (2018)=1.104) M23, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (244/293) DOI:
  48. Yinping Zeng, Han Li, Yong Du, Yafei Pan, Yingbiao Peng, Peng Zhou, Milena Premovic, Experimental Investigation of the Co-Ge Phase Diagram, J. Phase Equilib. Diffus., 38(5) (2017) 843852. (IF (2017)=1.315) M23, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (254/314) DOI 10.1007/s11669-017-0592-1
  49. Z. Stosic, D. Manasijevic, Lj. Balanovic T. Holjevac Grgurić, U. Stamenkovic, M. Premovic, D. Minic, M. Gorgievski, R. Todorovic, Effects of Composition and Thermal Treatment of Cu-Al-Zn Alloys with Low Content of Al on their Shape-memory Properties, Materials Research-Ibero-american Journal of Materials, Univ Fed Sao Carlos, Dept Engenharia Materials, 20, 5, pp. 1425 - 1431, 1516-1439, 10.1590/1980-5373-MR-2017-0153, 2017.DOI:
  50. Duško Minić, Yong Du, Milena Premović, Dragan Manasijević, Nada Talijan, Dušan Milisavljević, Aleksandar Marković, Aleksandar Đordjević, Milica Tomović, Experimental and thermodynamic description of ternary Bi-Cu-Ga system, J. Min. Metall. Sect. B-Metall. (special issue) 53 (3) B (2017) 189-201. (IF (2017)=1.134) M23, Metallurgy and Metallurgical Engineering (51/79) DOI: 10.2298/JMMB170505017M
  51. Milena Premovic, Duško Minić, Milan Kolarevic, Dragan Manasijevic, Dragana Živković, Aleksandar Djordjevic, Dusan Milisavljevic, Electrical properties of ternary Bi-Ge-Sb and Al-Cu-Sb alloys, Revista de Metalurgia, 53(3) (2017) e098 (IF(2017)= 0.540) M23, Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering (64/76) ISSN-L: 0034-8570 DOI:
  52. Milena Premovic, Milica Tomovic, Dusko Minic, Dragan Manasijevic, Dragana Zivkovic, Vladan Cosovic, Vladan Grkovic, Aleksandar Ðordjevic, Determination of 200 0C Isothermal Section of Al-Ag-Ga Phase Diagram by Microanalysis, X-ray Diffraction, Hardness and Electrical Conductivity Measurements, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, JMEPEG 26 (2017) 24912501. (IF (2017)=1.340) M23, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (201/285) DOI 10.1007/s11665-017-2689-4
  53. M. Premović, D. Manasijević, D. Minić, D. Živković, Study of electrical conductivity and hardness of ternary Ag-Ge-Sb system alloys and isothermal section calculation at 300 °C, Kovové Materiály, 54(1) (2016) 45-53. (IF(2014)= 0.366) M23, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (261/275) ISSN 1338-4252 (online) ISSN 0023-432X (printed) DOI: 10.4149/km_2016_1 _45
  54. Milena Premović, Dusko Minić, Ivana Manasijević, Dragana Živković, Electrical conductivity and hardness of ternary Ge-In-Sb alloys and calculation of the isothermal section at 300 °C, Materials Testing, 57(10) (2015) 883-888. (IF (2014)= 0.335) M23, Materials Science, Characterization & Testing (27/33) ISSN 0025-5300, Doi: 10.3139/120.110790
  55. Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Dragan Manasijević, Dragana Živković, Dejan Čikara, The mechanical and electrical properties of ternary BiGaSb system, Materials Testing, 56(9) (2014) 667-674. (IF (2014)=0.335) M23, Materials Science, Characterization & Testing (27/33) ISSN 0025-5300, Doi:  10.3139/120.110620
  56. Duško M. Minić, Milena M. Premović, Dragana T. Živković, Dragan M. Manasijević, Mirjana Z. Dimić, Zvonko R. Petrović and Smiljana M. Marković, Structural, mechanical and electrical properties of alloys in ternary Ag-Bi-Zn system, Revista de Metalurgia, 51 (2) (2015), e042. (IF(2014)= 0.288) M23, Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering (65/74) ISSN: 0034-8570, doi: doi: 10.3989/revmetalm.042
  57. Milena Premović, Duško Minić, Dragan Manasijević, Vladan Ćosović, Dragana Živković, Irma Dervišević, Nadezda Talijan, Mechanical and Electrical Properties of the Ternary AgSbZn System, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 27(1) (2014) 47-54. (IF (2014)= 0.727) M23, Metallurgy and Metallurgical Engineering (42/74) ISSN 1006-7191, DOI: 10.1007/s40195-013-0016-0
  58. Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Milan Kolarević, Vladan Ćosović, Dragan Manasijević, Dragana Živković, Description of the liquidus surface and characterization of alloys of the ternary BiCuIn system, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 22(8) (2013) 2343-2350. (IF (2013)=0.981) M23, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (163/251) ISSN: 1059-9495, DOI: 10.1007/s11665-013-0493-3
  59. Dusko Minić, Dejan Čikara, Milan Kolarević, D. Pršić, Milena Premović, Svetomir Milojević, Alloy characterization of ternary NiPbSb system, Metalugia international, 17(10) (2012) 97-105. (IF (2012)= 0.134) M23, Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering (69/74) ISSN 1582-2214
  60. Vladan Ćosović, Miroslav Pavlović, Aleksandar Ćosović, Predrag Vulić, Milena Premović, Dragana Živković, Nadezda Talijan, Microstructure refinement and physical properties of Ag-SnO2 based contact materials prepared by high-energy ball milling, Science of Sintering, 45(2013) 173-180 (IF(2013)=0.444, Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering (50/75) ISSN 0350-820X, doi:10.2298/SOS1302173C

Papers in journals out of the SCI list
  1. D. Manasijević, Ž. Radović, N. Štrbac, Lj, Balanović, U. Stamenković, M. Gorgievski, D. Minić, M.Premović, T. Holjevac Grgurić, and N. Tadić, Study Of Microstructure And Thermal Properties Of As-Cast High Carbon And High Chromium Tool Steel, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia AMES, Scientific paper,, 2019.
  2. D. Minic, D. Manasijevic, Y. Du, P. Broz, V. Cosovic, A. Djordjevic, M. Premovic, Mechanical and electrical properties of ternary Ag-Bi-Ga system at 250 °C, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Assoc Metallurgical Engineers Serbia, 23, pp. 227 - 240, 2217-8961, 661.85.018.5, -1445574-, 2017.
  3. Dragan Manasijević, Ljubiša Balanović, Tamara Holjeva Grgurić, Uroš Stamenković, Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Radiša Todorović, Nada Štrbac, Milan Gorgievski, Mirko Gojić, Emi Govorčin Bajsić, The effect of silver addition on microstructure and thermal properties of the Cu10%Al8%Mn shape memory alloy, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia AMES, 23 (3) (2017) 255-266.
  4. Djordjevic, Aleksandar, Milena Premovic, Dusko Minic, Milica Tomovic, Branko Radicevic, and Nemanja Kolarevic. 2020. “Mechanical and Electrical Properties of the Bi-Ge-Sn Alloys”. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 26 (4):395-412.
  5. Djordjevic, Aleksandar, Milena Premovic, Dusko Minic, Milan Kolarevic, and Milica Tomovic. 2020. “Effect of Chemical Composition on the Microstructure, Hardness and Electrical Conductivity Profiles of the Bi-Ge-In Alloys”. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 26 (4):413-29.
  6. Dragana Živković, Dragan Manasijević, Dusko Minić, Ljubisa Balanović, Milena Premović, Ana Kostov, Aleksandra Mitovski, Thermodynamic calculations and experimental investigation of the Ag-Zn system, Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 48(4) (2013) 413-418. ISSN: 1314-7978

Papers from international conferences
  1. Milena Premović, Duško Minić, Dragan Manasijević, Dragana Živković, Experimental investigation of the ternary Ge-Sb-X (X=Ag, In, Bi) systems, 3rd Central and Eastern European Committee for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 25th and 28th of August (2015) Ljubljana, Slovenia, IL09, 53. M32 ISBN 978-3-940237-34-7
  2. Milena Premović, RASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology And Inovation, SETI I 2019, held in Belgrade, 12 and 13 April. M32
  3. Milena Premović,4th International Student Conference On Technical Sciences held in Bor Lake, Serbia, on 20 and 21 October 2017. M32
  4. Milena Premović, Milan Kolarević, Aleksandar Đorđević, Tao Xiaoma, Pavel Brož, Mechanical and electrical properties of ternary Cu-Ni-Zn alloys, International scientific conference SETI II, 02-03 october 2020, Belgrade (Serbia), 119-130 ISBN: 978-86-81512-02-9
  5. Milan Milosavljević, Aleksandar Đorđević, Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Dragan Manasijević, Experimental investigation of the ternary Ge-In-Zn, International scientific conference SETI II, 02-03 october 2020, Belgrade (Serbia), 131-141 ISBN: 978-86-81512-02-9
  6. Aleksandar Đorđević, Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Milica Tomović, Vladan Ćosović, Investigation of the ternary Ga-Ge-Zn system, International scientific conference SETI II, 02-03 october 2020, Belgrade (Serbia), 142-152 ISBN: 978-86-81512-02-9
  7. Dusko Minic, Milena Premovic, Aleksandar Djordjevic, Milan Milosavljevic, Effect Of Chemical Composition On The Microstructure, Hardness And Electrical Conductivity Profiles Of The Bi-Ge-In Alloys, X Triennial International Conference Heavy Machinery - Hm 2021 June 23 - 25 2021, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia
  8. Aleksandar Djordjevic, Dusko Minic, Milena Premovic, Milan Kolarevic, Milan Milosavljevic, Mechanical And Electrical Properties Of The Bi-Ge-Sn Alloys, X Triennial International Conference Heavy Machinery - Hm 2021 June 23 - 25 2021, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia
  9. Milan Milosavljevic, Milena Premovic, Dusko Minic, Aleksandar Djordjevic, Experimental Investigation And Thermodynamic Description Of The Ternary Cu-Ge-Pb System, X Triennial International Conference Heavy Machinery - Hm 2021 June 23 - 25 2021, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia
  10. Milan Milosavljević, Milena Premović, Duško Minić, Dragan Manasijević Aleksandar Đorđević, Milan Kolarević, Experimental and thermodynamic study isothermal section at 600°C and 400°C of ternary Bi-Cu-Ge system, The 52th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 29 - 30 November 2021, Bor (Serbia), 165-168. ISBN: 978‐86‐6305‐119‐5
  11. Aleksandar Đorđević, Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Dragan Manasijević, Milan Kolarevic, Vladica Ristić, Study of temperature phase transformation of the ternary Bi-Cu-Ge system, Experimental examination and thermodynamic description of the ternary Bi-Ga-Ge system, The 52th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 29 - 30 November 2021, Bor (Serbia), 169-172. ISBN: 978‐86‐6305‐119‐5
  12. Milena Premovic, Yong Du, Yuling Liu, Peng Deng, Huixin Liu, Diffusivities and atomic mobilities for the Cu-rich fcc CuAl-Sn alloys at 1073 K, 2019 Sino-German Bilateral Symposium onICME of Electrochemical Storage Systems, December 1-7, 2019, Changsha, China, O15, 18.
  13. Milena Premović, Yong Du, Duško Minić, Dragan Manasijević, Milica Tomović, Thermodynamic calculations of the Ag-Ga- Sn phase diagram, The 49th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 18-21 October 2017, Bor Lake, Bor (Serbia), 501-504. ISBN 978-86- 6305-066- 2
  14. Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Dragan Manasijević, Aleksandar Đorđević, Experimental study of the Ag-Ga- Sn phase diagram, The 49th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 18-21 October 2017, Bor Lake, Bor (Serbia), 505-508. ISBN 978-86- 6305-066- 2
  15. Milena Premović, Yong Du, Duško Minić, Aleksandar Đorđević, Dušan Milisavljević, Aleksandar Marković, Milica Tomović, Prediction of The Ge-In and Ge-Pb nanoalloys phase diagrams, 16th International Foundrymen Conference Global Foundry Industry Perspectives for the Future, Opatija, May 15th-17th, 2017.
  16. Dušan Milisavljević, Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Dragana Živković, Aleksandar Djordjević and Milica Tomović, Effect Of Chemical Composition On Hardness And Electrical Conductivity Profiles Of The Ag-Bi-In Alloys At 100 Oc, V International Congress “Engineering, Environment And Materials In Processing Industry, 15-17 Mart, Jahorina, (2016) 488-501
  17. Milena Premović, Duško Minić, Nebojša Arsić, Dragan Manasijević2, Aleksandar Đorđević and Dušan Milisavljević, Prediction Of The Ag-Ge Nanoalloy Phase Diagram, V International Congress “Engineering, Environment And Materials In Processing Industry, 15-17 Mart, 2016 Jahorina, 502-513.
  18. Milena Premović, Duško Minić, Dragan Manasijevic, Ljubisa Balanovic, Aleksandar Đorđević and Dušan Milisavljević, Electrical conductivity of ternary Al-Cu-Sb and Bi-Ge-Sb alloys, The 48th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 28 September - 01 October 2016, Bor, Bor (Serbia), 439-442. ISBN 978-86-6305-047-1
  19. Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Dragana Zivkovic, Srđan Jovic, Aleksandar Markovic and Milica Tomovic, Microstructural investigation of ternary Al-Cu-Sb and Bi-Ge-Sb alloys, The 48th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 28 September - 01 October 2016, Bor, Bor (Serbia), 443-446. ISBN 978-86-6305-047-1
  20. Dragan Manasijevic, Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Dragana Zivkovic, Ljubisa Balanovic, Experimental investigation of the Cu-Ge-Sb phase diagram at 500 0C, The 48th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 28 September - 01 October 2016, Bor, Bor (Serbia), 451-454. ISBN  978-86-6305-047-1
  21. Aleksandar Đorđević, Milena Premović, Duško Minić, Vladan Ćosović, Milutin Živković, Ljubiša Balanović, Dragan Manasijević, Milan Kolarević, Phase equilibria of the Cu-In-Ni ternary system at 300 °C, 12 th Scientific/Research Symposium with International Participation „METALLIC AND NONMETALLIC MATERIALS“, 19-20 April 2018, Vlašić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, ISSN 2566-4344
  22. Aleksandar Đorđević, Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Milica Tomović, Experimental investigation of the ternary Bi-Ge-In and Bi-Ge-Sn systems, International scientific conference SETI I, 12 april 2019, Belgrade (Serbia), 159-167.
  23. Milica Tomović, Duško Minić, Jelena Đokić, Dejan Gurešić, Milena Peremović,Aleksandar Đorđević, Modeling of the dispersion of the asbestos bearing particles in different climatic conditions, International scientific conference SETI I, 12 april 2019, Belgrade (Serbia), 314-322
  24. Milena Premović, Duško Minić, Aleksandar Đorđević, Vladan Ćosović, Experimental investigation of the ternary systems based on Ge-Sn-X, International scientific conference SETI I, 12 april 2019, Belgrade (Serbia)
  25. Aleksandar Đorđević, Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Milica Tomović, Dragan manasijević, Experimental examination and thermodynamic description of the ternary Bi-Ga-Ge system, The 51 th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 16 - 19 October 2019, Bor, Borsko jezero (Serbia), 315-318
  26. Milica Tomović, Milena Premović, Duško Minić, Aleksandar Đorđević, Vladan Ćosović, Investigation of the ternary Bi-Ge-Zn system, The 51 th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 16 - 19 October 2019, Bor, Borsko jezero (Serbia), 319-322
  27. Aleksandar Đorđević, Dušan Milisavljević, Aleksandar Marković, Milena Premović and Duško Minić, Experimental investigation and liquidus projection of thernary BiGeSb system, The 47th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 04-07 October 2015, Bor Lake, Bor (Serbia), 285-288.  ISBN: 978-86-7827-047-5
  28. Dušan Milisavljević, Aleksandar Đorđević, Aleksandar Marković, Duško Minić and Milena Premović, Experimental investigation of isothermal sections at 373 k in thernary BiGeSb system, The 47th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 04-07 October 2015, Bor Lake, Bor (Serbia), 279-284.
    a. ISBN: 978-86-7827-047-5
  29. Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Dragan Manasijević, Dragana Živković, Ljubiša Balanović, Aleksandar Marković and Milica Tomović, Experimental investigation of izothermal section at 300 0C of the thernary BiInNi system, The 47th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 04-07 October 2015, Bor Lake, Bor (Serbia), 227-230.  ISBN: 978-86-7827-047-5
  30. Milena Premović, Duško Minić, Dragan Manasijević, Dragana Živković, Vladan Ćosović, Aleksandar Đorđević and Dušan Milisavljević, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculations of the BiInNi phase diagram, The 47th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 04-07 October 2015, Bor Lake, Bor (Serbia), 231-236. ISBN: 978-86-7827-047-5
  31. Milena Premović, Dragan Manasijević, Duško Minić, Dragana Živković, Definition of the phase diagram and experimental investigations of the ternary Ge-In-Sb system, The 46th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 01-04 October 2014, Bor Lake, Bor (Serbia), 489-492. ISBN  978-86-6305-026-6
  32. Milena Premović, Dragan Manasijević, Duško Minić, Dragana Živković, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculation of the Ag-Ge-Sb phase diagram, The 46th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 01-04 October 2014, Bor Lake, Bor (Serbia), 493-496.  ISBN  978-86-6305-026-6
  33. Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Vladan Ćosović, Dragan Manasijević, Ljilja Nedeljkovic, Dragana Živković, Experimental investigation of the Cu-In-Ni phase diagram at 400 0C, The 46th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 01-04 October 2014, Bor Lake, Bor (Serbia), 497-500. ISBN 978-86-6305-026-6
  34. Dusko Minić, Dragana Živković, Milena Premović, Dragan Manasijević , Vladan Ćosović, Mechanical and electrical properties of alloys and isothermal section of ternary Ag-Bi-Zn system at 673K, The 45th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 16-19 October 2013, Bor Lake, Bor (Serbia), 168-171. ISBN 978-86-6305-012-9
  35. Milena Premović, Dusko Minić, Dragan Manasijević, Dragana Živković, Vladan Ćosović, Ljubisa Balanović, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculations of the Ag-Ga-Zn phase diagram, The 45th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 16- 19 October 2013, Bor Lake, Bor (Serbia), 172-175. ISBN 978-86-6305-012-9
  36. Dusko Minić, Milena Premović, Dragan Manasijević, Dragana Zivković, Milutin Milosavljević, Vladan Vuksanović, Definition of the phase diagram and experimental investigations of the ternary AgGaZn system, 13th International conference “research and development in mechanical industry” Radmi 2013, 12-15 September 2013, Kopaonik (Serbia), 228-235. ISBN 978-86-6075-042-8
  37. Milena Premović, Dusko Minić, Dragan Manasijević, Dragana Zivković, Vladan Vuksanović, Svetomir Milojević, Experimental investigations of the ternary Al-Cu-Sb system, 13th International conference “Research And Development in Mechanical Industry” Radmi 2013, 12-15 September 2013, Kopaonik (Serbia), 246-253. ISBN 978-86-6075-042-8
  38. Milena Premović, Dusko Minić, Dragan Manasijević, Dragana Živković, Ana Kostov, Vladan Ćosović, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculations of the Al-Cu-Sb phase diagram, The 44rd International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, October 2012, Bor (Serbia), 543-548.
    ISBN 978-86-7827-042-0
  39. Dragana Živković, Ljubisa Balanović, Ana Kostov, Dragan Manasijević, Dusko Minić, Aleksandra Mitovski, Milena Premović, Study on properties of low-Ag content Ag-Zn alloys, 12th International Foundrymen Conference "Sustainable Development in Foundry Materials and Technologies", 24-25 May 2012  Opatija (Croatia), Proceedings Book, 504-511. ISBN 978- 953-7082-14-7
  40. Dusko Minić, Dragana Živković, Milena Premović, Nadezda Talijan, Vladan Ćosović, Dragan Manasijević, Ana Kostov, Investigation of the alloys in high-temperature Ag-Bi-Zn ecological solder system, The 43rd International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy IOC11, Kladovo (Serbia), 12-15 October 2011, Proceedings, 722-725. ISBN 978-86-80987-87-3
  41. Milena Premović, Dusko Minić, Miljana Marković, Microstructure, hardness and electric conductivity alloy of ternary Ag-Sb-Zn system, The 43rd International October Conferenc on Mining and Metallurgy, October 2011, Kladovo (Serbia), 726-729.  ISBN 978-86-80987-87-3
  42. Dusko Minić, Z. Petrović, Milena Premović, Miljana Marković, Alloy characterization and liquidus surface definition of ternary Bi-Cu-In system, The Seventh Triennial International Conference Heavy machinery HM 2011, Vrnjačka Banja (Serbia), (2011) pp 23-28. ISBN 978-86-82631-58-3
  43. Dusko Minić, Milan Kolarević, Milena Premović, Miljana Marković, Termodynamic calculation of the Bi-In-Sb phase diagram, The Seventh Triennial International Conference Heavy machinery HM 2011, Vrnjačka Banja (Serbia), 43-47. ISBN 978-86-82631-58-3
  44. Ljubiša Balanović, Dragana Živković, Dragan Manasijević, Nada Štrbac, Ivan Mihajlović, Aleksandra Mitovski, Milena Premović, Calculation of some isothermal and vertical section in Ga-Sn-Zn system, Proceedings of 45th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy - IOC 2013, University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, vol. , no. , pp. 858 - 863, issn: , udc: , doi: , isbn: 978-86-6305-012-9, Borsko jezero, Srbija, 16. - 19. Oct, 2013
  45. P. Broz, Milena Premovic, J. Vrestal, J. Pavlu, P. Rogl, Thermodynamic modeling of the Ti Mn N system in the view of the new thermodynamic description of the Ti Mn system, Thermodynamics of Alloys-TOFA 2016, 04-09 September (2016), Santos (Brazil), Programme and the Book of Abstracts, O25.
  46. A. Kryštofová, Milena Premović, S. Polsterová, P. Brož, J. Buršík, J. Sopoušek, Solvothermal AuNi Nanoparticle Synthesis and Characterization, 13th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN16), 5-8 July 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece
  47. Milena Premović, Dragan Manasijević, Dusko Minić, Dragana Živković, Definition of the phase diagram and experimental investigations of the ternary AgGeSb system, 7th Symposium on Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams, 8 Jun (2015), Bor, Bor (Serbia), ISBN 978-86-6305-029-7
  48. Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Vladan Ćosović, Dragan Manasijević, Dragana Živković, Investigation of the isothermal sections at 500 0C and liquidus projection in the ternary Cu-In-Ni system, 7th Symposium on Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams, 8 Jun (2015), Bor, Bor (Serbia), 14. ISBN 978-86-6305-029-7
  49. Milena Premović, Dragan Manasijević, Duško Minić, Dragana Živković, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculation of the GeInSb phase diagram, Thermodynamics of Alloys-TOFA 2014, 07-11 September (2014), Brno (Czech Republic), Programme and the Book of Abstracts, 117.
  50. Milena Premović, Dusko Minić, Characterization of alloys and liquidus projections of the ternary Bi-CuIn system, Symposium Non-linear Dynamics with Multi and Interdisciplinary Applications (SNDMIA 2012), October 2012, Belgrade (Serbia), 170. ISBN 978-86-7746-344-1, COBISS.SR ID 193221132
  51. Dusko Minić, Milena Premović, Characterization of alloys of the ternary AgBiZn system, Symposium Non-linear Dynamics with Multi and Interdisciplinary Applications (SNDMIA 2012), October 2012, Belgrade (Serbia), 171. ISBN 978-86-7746-344-1, COBISS.SR ID 193221132
  52. Dusko Minić, Dragan Manasijević, Vladan Ćosović, Dragana Živković, Nadezda Talijan, Milena Premović, Phase transformations in the ternary AgGaSb system, TOFA 2012 - Discussion Meeting on Thermodynamics of Alloys, 23-28 September 2012, Pula (Croatia), 98.

Radovi sa domaćih konferencija
  1. Dragan Manasijević, Ljubiša Balanović, Ivana Marković, Milan Gorgievski, Uroš Stamenković, Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Aleksandar Đorđević, Vladan Ćosović, Structural and thermal properties of the Ag-Ge alloys, Deseti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima sa medjunarodnim učešćem, 25-26 jun 2021, Kosovska Mitrovica, (Serbia) 21-22 ISBN: 978-86-81656-22-8
  2. Aleksandar Đorđević, Milena Premović, Dejan Gurešić, Milan Kolarević, Milica Tomović, Effect of chemical composition on the microstructure, hardness and electrical conductivity profiles of the Ge-In-Zn alloys, Deseti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima sa medjunarodnim učešćem, 25-26 jun 2021, Kosovska Mitrovica, (Serbia) 64-65 ISBN: 978-86-81656-22-8
  3. Aleksandar Đorđević, Aleksandar Todic, Milena Premović, Duško Minić, Milica Tomović, Effect of chemical composition on the microstructure, hardness and electrical conductivity profiles of the Ga-Ge-Zn alloys, Deseti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima sa medjunarodnim učešćem, 25-26 jun 2021, Kosovska Mitrovica, (Serbia) 66-67 ISBN: 978-86-81656-22-8
  4. Milan Milosavljević, Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Aleksandar Đorđević, Milica Tomović, Extrapolation of phase diagram of the Cu-Ge-Pb system, Deseti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima sa medjunarodnim učešćem, 25-26 jun 2021, Kosovska Mitrovica, (Serbia) 68-69 ISBN: 978-86-81656-22-8
  5. Milena Premović, Milan Milosavljević, Aleksandar Đorđević, Milica Tomović, Experimental and thermodynamic study of isothermal sections at 600 and 400 °C of ternary Cu-Ge-Pb system, Deseti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima sa medjunarodnim učešćem, 25-26 jun 2021, Kosovska Mitrovica, (Serbia) 70-71 ISBN: 978-86-81656-22-8
  6. Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Milan Milosavljević, Aleksandar Đorđević, Study of temperature phase transformation of the ternary Cu-Ge-Pb system, Deseti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima sa medjunarodnim učešćem, 25-26 jun 2021, Kosovska Mitrovica, (Serbia) 72-73 ISBN: 978-86-81656-22-8
  7. Aleksandar Marković, Duško Minić, Dejan Gurešić, Milena Premović, Aleksandar Đorđević, Mechanical and electrical properties of the ternary Ag-Ga-Ge alloys, Deseti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima sa medjunarodnim učešćem, 25-26 jun 2021, Kosovska Mitrovica, (Serbia) 76-77 ISBN: 978-86-81656-22-8
  8. Aleksandar Djordjević, Milena Premović, Duško Minić, Vladan Ćosović, Thermodynamic description of the ternary Bi-Ge-In systems, Deveti simpozijum o termodinamici I faznim dijagramima sa medjunarodnim učešćem, 21-22 jun 2019, Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia, pp. 42-43. ISBN:978-86-80893-96-9
  9. Aleksandar Djordjević, Milena Premović, Dejan Gurešic, Vladan Ćosović, Thermodynamic description of the ternary Bi-Ge-Sn systems, Deveti simpozijum o termodinamici I faznim dijagramima sa medjunarodnim učešćem, 21-22 jun 2019, Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia, pp. 44-45. ISBN:978-86-80893-96-9
  10. Yong Du, Yuling Liu, Milena Premović, Duško Minić, Ljubiša Balanović, Thermodynamic description of the ternary Ag-Ge-In alloys, Thermodynamic description of the ternary Ag-Ge-In alloys, Deveti simpozijum o termodinamici I faznim dijagramima sa medjunarodnim učešćem, 21-22 jun 2019, Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia, pp. 46-47. ISBN:978-86-80893-96-9
  11. Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Milan Kolarević, Yong Du, Yinping Zeng, Dragan Manasijević, Properties of the ternary Ag-Ge-In alloys, Deveti simpozijum o termodinamici I faznim dijagramima sa medjunarodnim učešćem, 21-22 jun 2019, Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia, pp. 48-49. ISBN:978-86-80893-96-9
  12. Milena Premović, Duško Minić, Tamara Holjevac Grgurić, Zdenka Zovko Brodarac, Milan Kolarević, Characterization of the ternary Ag-Ge-Sn alloys, Deveti simpozijum o termodinamici I faznim dijagramima sa medjunarodnim učešćem, 21-22 jun 2019, Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia, pp. 50-51. ISBN:978-86-80893-96-9
  13. Milena Premović, Aleksandar Markovic, Vladan Ćosović, Milica Tomović, Natalija Dolić, Xiaoma Tao, Experimental investigation of the ternary Ge-Sn-In system, Deveti simpozijum o termodinamici I faznim dijagramima sa medjunarodnim učešćem, 21-22 jun 2019, Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia, pp. 52-53. ISBN:978-86-80893-96-9
  14. Nemanja Tošković, Milena Premović, Duško Minić, Aleksandar Marković, Characterization of the ternary Ge-Sn-Zn alloys, Deveti simpozijum o termodinamici I faznim dijagramima sa medjunarodnim učešćem, 21-22 jun 2019, Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia, pp. 54-55. ISBN:978-86-80893-96-9
  15. Milica Tomovic, Dusko Minic, Jelena Djokic, Milena Premovic, Dejan Guresic, Aleksandar Djordjevic, Modeling of the asbestos particle dispersion in the atmosphere from abandoned mine site in different climatic conditions, Deveti simpozijum o termodinamici I faznim dijagramima sa medjunarodnim učešćem, 21-22 jun 2019, Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia, pp. 56-57. ISBN:978-86-80893-96-9
  16. Milica Tomovic, Svetomir Milojevic, Jelena Djokic, Milena Premovic, Aleksandar Djordjevic, Dejan Guresic, Modeling of the dispersion of the bearing particles lead-zinc in different climatic conditions, Deveti simpozijum o termodinamici I faznim dijagramima sa medjunarodnim učešćem, 21-22 jun 2019, Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia, pp. 58-59. ISBN:978-86-80893-96-9
  17. Dušan Milisavljević, Milena Premović, Dragan Manasijević, Duško Minić, Experimental and thermodynamic description of ternary Ag-Ge-In system, Osmi simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima, 19-20 Jun 2017, Kosovska Mitrovica (Serbia), 90-91. ISBN 978-86-6305-035-8
  18. Milena Premović, Duško Minić, Yong Du, Dragan Manasijević, Thermodynamic calculation of the ternary Cu-Ge-Sb system and binary nano-phase Ge-M (M=Al, Ag, Bi, In, Ga, Sb, Pb and Zn) diagrams, Osmi simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima, 19-20 Jun 2017, Kosovska Mitrovica (Serbia), 38-39. ISBN 978-86-6305-035-8
  19. Dragan Manasijević, Ljubiša Balanović, Tamara Holjevac Grgurić, Uroš Stamenković, Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Radiša Todorović, Nada Štrbac, Milan Gorgievski, Mirko Gojić, Experimental study of microstructure and transformation temperatures of the Cu10%Al8%Mn and Cu10%Al8%Mn4%Ag shape memory alloys, Osmi simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima, 19-20 Jun 2017, Kosovska Mitrovica (Serbia), 52-53. ISBN 978-86-6305-035-8
  20. Ivana Manasijević, Ljubiša Balanović, Tamara Holjevac Grgurić, Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Milan Gorgievski, Microstructure and thermal properties of Bi-In-Sn and Bi-In-Pb low melting ternary eutectic alloys, Osmi simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima, 19-20 Jun 2017, Kosovska Mitrovica (Serbia), 62-63. ISBN 978-86-6305-035-8
  21. Duško Minić, Dragan Manasijević, Aleksandar Đorđević, Milena Premović, Experimental investigation of the ternary Cu-Ge-Sb system, Osmi simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima, 19-20 Jun 2017, Kosovska Mitrovica (Serbia), 36-37. ISBN 978-86-6305-035-8
  22. Aleksandar Đorđević, Milena Premović, Milica Tomović, Aleksandar Marković, Experimental and thermodynamic description of ternary Bi-Cu-Ga system, Osmi simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima, 19-20 Jun 2017, Kosovska Mitrovica (Serbia), 44-45. ISBN 978-86-6305-035-8
  23. Milica Tomović, Milena Premovic, Aleksandar Đorđević, Dušan Milisavljević, Determination of 300 °C isothermal section of Cu-In-Ni phase diagram by microanalysis, X-ray diffraction, and hardness and electrical conductivity measurements, Osmi simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima, 19-20 Jun 2017, Kosovska Mitrovica (Serbia), 46-47. ISBN 978-86-6305-035-8
  24. Dusko Minić, Milena Premović, Vladan Cosovic, Dragan Manasijević, Dragana Živković, Irma Dervišević, Nikola Vuković, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculations of the AgGaSn phase diagram, 6th Symposium on Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams, 19 October (2013), Bor Lake, Bor (Serbia), ISBN 978-86-6305-014-3
  25. Milena Premović, Dusko Minić, Dragan Manasijević, Dragana Živković, Vladan Ćosović, Ljubisa Balanović, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculations of the AgBi-Ga phase diagram, 6th Symposium on Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams, 19 October (2013), Bor Lake, Bor (Serbia), ISBN 978-86-6305-014-3
  26. Ljubisa Balanović, Dragana Živković, Dragan Manasijević, Živan Živković, Lidija Gomidželović, Milena Premović, Comparative thermodznamic analysis in Ga-Zn-Me (Me=Al, Sn) system, 6thSymposium on Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams, 19 October (2013), Bor Lake, Bor (Serbia), 21. ISBN  978-86-6305-014-3
  27. Dusko Minić, Dragan Manasijević, Nadezda Talijan, Vladan Ćosović, Dragana Živković, Milena Premović, Phase transformations in the ternary AgGaSb system, 5th Symposium on Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams, 2011, Kladovo (Serbia), ISBN 978-86-80987-91-0
  28. Milena Premović, Dusko Minić, Dragan Manasijević, Vladan Ćosović, Dragana Živković, Nadezda Talijan, Miljana Marković, Characterization of alloys and liquidus projections of ternary BiSbSn system, 5th Symposium on Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams, 2011, Kladovo (Serbia), 12-13. ISBN 978-86-80987-91-0

Books and monographs
  1. PhD Milena Premović, Praktikum za laboratorijske i računske vežbe iz predmeta Karakterizacija materijala, Izdavač: Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Kosovska Mitrovica, 2019 godine, (oblukom broj 663/3-7 Nastavno-naučnog veća FTNa od 19.06.2019 odobrenje za štampanje) ISBN: 978-86-80893-98-3

National projects
  1. Savremeni višekomponentni metalni sistem i nanostrukturisani materijali različitih funkcionalnih svojstava (NO 172037)

International projects
  1. Phase equilibria, diffusivity and precipitation simulation in the Cu-Ni-Si-Mg-Zn system, NO 51950410600, National Nature Science Fundation of China, 2019