Knjaza Milosa no. 7, 38220 Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia

др Дардан Климента

dr Dardan Klimenta

redovni profesor
+381 28 425 320
ul. Knjaza Miloša br. 7, 38220 Kosovska Mitrovica
Department Katedra za elektroenergetiku

Professional title

Doktor elektrotehničkih nauka

Narrow scientific field

Electric power

Date of election to the title

25.10.2017. godine


OE15 Termički procesi u elektroenergetici

OE32 Elementi elektroenergetskih sistema

OE87 Praktikum iz elemenata EES sa projektom

OE99 Kablovska tehnika

OE100 Termički procesi u obnovljivim izvorima energije

ME7 Regulacija EES

ME8 Opšta energetika

DE1 Metode naučnoistraživačkog rada

DE2 Primena metode konačnih elemenata u tehnici

DE9 Odabrana poglavlja iz inženjerske termodinamike

Papers in journals from SCI list
  1. B. Perović, D. Klimenta, D. Tasić, N. Raičević, M. Milovanović, M. Tomović, J. Vukašinović, "Increasing the ampacity of underground cable lines by optimizing the thermal environment and design parameters for cable crossings", IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol. 16, Issue 11, 2022, pp. 2309-2318,  (M22)
  2. J. Lj. Klimenta, M. V. Panić, M. S. Stojanović, D. O. Klimenta, M. J. Milovanović, B. D. Perović, "Thermal aging management for electricity distribution networks: FEM-based qualification of underground power cables", Thermal Science, 2022, DOI: 10.2298/TSCI220128050K, (M23)
  3. D. Miklusis, V. Markevicius, D. Navikas, M. Cepenas, J. Balamutas, A. Valinevicius, M. Zilys, I. Cuinas, D. Klimenta, D. Andriukaitis, "Research of distorted vehicle magnetic signatures recognitions, for length estimation in real traffic conditions", Sensors, Vol. 21, No. 23, 2021, Article 7872, pp. 1–13, (M21)
  4. D. Klimenta, J. Lekic, S. Arsic, D. Tasic, N. Krstic, D. Radosavljevic, "A novel procedure for quick design of off-grid PV water pumping systems for irrigation",
    Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2021, pp. 55-68, (M23)
  5. D. Klimenta, M. Jevtić, D. Andriukaitis, V. Mijailović, "Increasing the transmission performance of a conventional 110 kV cable line by combining a hydronic
    concrete pavement system with photovoltaic floor tiles", Electrical Engineering, Vol. 103, Issue 3, 2021, pp. 1401–1415, (M23)
  6. A. Laucka, D. Andriukaitis, A. Valinevicius, D. Navikas, M. Zilys, V. Markevicius, D. Klimenta, R. Sotner, J. Jerabek, "Method for volume of irregular shape pellets estimation using 2D imaging measurement", Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Issue 8, 2020, Article 2650, pp. 1–19, (M22)
  7. D. Klimenta, D. Tasić, M. Jevtić, "The use of hydronic asphalt pavements as an alternative method of eliminating hot spots of underground power cables", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 168, 2020, Article 114818, pp. 1–14, (M21a)
  8. D. Klimenta, D. Tasić, B. Perović, J. Klimenta, M. Milovanović, Lj. Anđelković, "Eliminating the effect of hot spots on underground power cables using cool pavements", Electrical Engineering, Vol. 101, Issue 4, 2019, pp. 1295–1309, (M23)
  9. M. Milovanović, J. Radosavljević, D. Klimenta, B. Perović, "GA-based approach for optimal placement and sizing of passive power filters to reduce harmonics in distorted radial distribution systems", Electrical Engineering, Vol. 101, Issue 3, 2019, pp. 787–803, (M23)
  10. D. Andriukaitis, A. Laucka, A. Valinevicius, M. Zilys, V. Markevicius, D. Navikas, R. Sotner, J. Petrzela, J. Jerabek, N. Herencsar, D. Klimenta, "Research of the operator’s advisory system based on fuzzy logic for pelletizing equipment", Symmetry, 11, 1396, 2019, pp. 1–17, (M22)
  11. B. Perovic, D. Klimenta, M. Jevtic, M. Milovanovic, "A transient thermal model for flat-plate photovoltaic systems and its experimental validation", Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2019, pp. 40–46, (M23) 
  12. B. D. Perović, D. O. Klimenta, M. D. Jevtić, M. J. Milovanović, "A thermal model for open-rack mounted photovoltaic modules based on empirical correlations for natural and forced convection", Thermal Science, Vol. 23, No. 6A, 2019, pp. 3551–3566, (M22)
  13. D. Klimenta, B. Perović, J. Klimenta, M. Jevtić, M. Milovanović, I. Krstić, “Modelling the thermal effect of solar radiation on the ampacity of a low voltage underground cable,” International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 134, 2018, pp. 507–516, (M21a)
  14. D. Klimenta, J. Radosavljević, M. Jevtić, V. Raičević, D. Tasić, B. Pajković, "An improved non-adiabatic FEM model of a line-to-earth fault in buried power cables", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 54, Issue 15-16, 2011, pp. 3514–3522, (M21)
  15. D. Klimenta, B. Perović, J. Klimenta, M. Jevtić, M. Milovanović, I. Krstić, "Controlling the thermal environment of underground cable lines using the pavement surface radiation properties", IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol. 12, Issue 12, 2018, pp. 2968–2976, (M22)
  16. B. D. Perović, D. S. Tasić, D. O. Klimenta, J. N. Radosavljević, M. D. Jevtić, M. J. Milovanović, "Optimising the thermal environment and the ampacity of underground power cables using the gravitational search algorithm", IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol. 12, Issue 2, 2018, pp. 423–430, (M22)
  17. J. Radosavljević, M. Jevtić, D. Klimenta, "Energy and operation management of a microgrid using particle swarm optimization", Engineering Optimization, Vol. 48, No. 5, 2016, pp. 811–830, (M22)
  18. D. O. Klimenta, B. D. Perović, J. Lj. Klimenta, M. M. Jevtić, M. J. Milovanović, I. D. Krstić, "Controlling the thermal environment of underground power cables
    adjacent to heating pipeline using the pavement surface radiation properties", Thermal Science, Vol. 22, No. 6, 2018, pp. 2625–2640, (M22)
  19. D. O. Klimenta, A. Hannukainen, "An approximate estimation of velocity profiles and turbulence factor models for air-flows along the exterior of TEFC induction motors", Thermal Science, Vol. 21, Issue 3, 2017, pp. 1515–1527, (M22)
  20. D. O. Klimenta, A. Hannukainen, "Novel approach to analytical modelling of steady-state heat transfer from the exterior of TEFC induction motors", Thermal Science, Vol. 21, Issue 3, 2017, pp. 1529–1542, (M22)
  21. B. D. Perović, J. Lj. Klimenta, D. S. Tasić, J. L. G. Peuteman, D. O. Klimenta and Lj. N. Andjelković, "Modeling the effect of the inclination angle on natural convection from a flat plate: the case of a photovoltaic module", Thermal Science, Vol. 21, Issue 2, 2017, pp. 925–938, (M22)
  22. D. Klimenta, "Modeling the influence of inclination angle on natural convection around an evacuated tube solar collector", Heat Transfer Research, Heat Transfer Research, Vol. 48, Issue 1, 2017, pp. 23–34, (M23)
  23. M. Jevtic, N. Jovanovic, J. Radosavljevic, D. Klimenta, "Moth swarm algorithm for solving combined economic and emission dispatch problem", Elektronika Ir
    Elektrotechnika, Vol. 23, No. 5, 2017, pp. 21–28, (M23)
  24. D. O. Klimenta, B. D. Perović, M. D. Jevtić and J. N. Radosavljević, "An analytical algorithm to determine allowable ampacities of horizontally installed rectangular bus bars", Thermal Science, Vol. 20, No. 2, 2016, pp. 717–730, (M23)
  25. D. Klimenta, A. Hannukainen, A. Arkkio, "Estimating the parameters of induction motors in different operating regimes from a set of data containing the rotor cage temperature", Electrical Engineering, Vol. 100, Issue 1, 2018, pp. 139–150, (M23)
  26. J. Radosavljević, D. Klimenta, M. Jevtić, N. Arsić, "Optimal power flow using a hybrid optimization algorithm of particle swarm optimization and gravitational
    search algorithm", Electric Power Components and Systems, Vol. 43, Issue 17, 2015, pp. 1958–1970, (M23)
  27. J. Radosavljević, M. Jevtić, N. Arsić, D. Klimenta, "Optimal power flow for distribution networks using gravitational search algorithm", Electrical Engineering, Vol. 96, Issue 4, 2014, pp. 335–345, (M23)
  28. D. Klimenta, J. Radosavljević, M. Jevtić, V. Raičević, D. Tasić, A. Todorović, "Insulation modelling for thermal FEM analysis of PVC and XLPE cables under
    fault conditions", European Transactions on Electrical Power, Vol. 22, Issue 8, 2012, pp. 1093–1111, (M23)
  29. J. Radosavljević, D. Klimenta, M. Jevtić, "Steady-state analysis of parallel-operated self-excited induction generators supplying an unbalanced load", Journal of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 63, Issue 4, 2012, pp. 213–223, (M23)
  30. J. Radosavljević, D. Klimenta, M. Jevtić, "A genetic algorithm-based approach for a general steady-state analysis of three-phase self-excited induction generator", Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques. Ser. Electrotechnique et Energetique, Vol. 57, Issue 1, 2012, pp. 10–19, (M23)
  31. D. Klimenta, V. Kuč, V. Raičević, J. Radosavljević, M. Jevtić, D. Tasić, "FEM modelling of faults occurred in buried power cables due to the removal of tree roots", European Transactions on Electrical Power, Vol. 20, Issue 8, 2010, pp. 1237–1254, (M23)
  32. J. Radosavljević, M. Jevtić, D. Klimenta, "Optimal seasonal voltage control in rural distribution networks with distributed generators", Journal of ELECTRICAL
    ENGINEERING, Vol. 61, Issue 6, 2010, pp. 321–331, (M23)
  33. D. Klimenta, S. Nikolajevic, M. Sredojevic, "Controlling the thermal environment in hot spots of buried power cables", ETEP, Vol. 17, Issue 5, 2007, pp. 427–449, (M23)

Papers in journals out of the SCI list
  1. J. Radosavljević, M. Jevtić, D. Klimenta, "The analysis of a rural distribution network with distributed generation in catchment area of Stara Planina", FACTA
    UNIVERSITATIS (NIŠ), SER.: ELEC. ENERG., Vol. 22 , Issue 1, 2009, pp. 71–89, (M24)
  2. J. Radosavljević, M. Jevtić, D. Klimenta, Nebojša Arsić, "Optimal power flow for distribution networks with distributed generation", Serbian Journal of  Electrical Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 2, June 2015, pp. 145–170, (M24)
  3. B. D. Perović, D. O. Klimenta, J. N. Radosavljević, M. D. Jevtić, "Optimizacija dimenzija kablovske posteljice i trajno dozvoljene struje kablova u trougaonoj
    formaciji korišćenjem gravitacionog pretraživačkog algoritma", Tehnika - Elektrotehnika, Vol. 65, Br. 3, 2016, str. 431–438, 
  4. J. Đoković, D. Klimenta, M. Jevtić, "Encountering the cooperation and trade liberalization between electric power supply companies in northern Kosovo
    circumstances, possibilities and propositions", Energetika 2014, Energija-ekonomija-ekologija, No. 1-2, 2014, pp. 75–82, (M51)
  5. J. Radosavljević, M. Jevtić, D. Klimenta, "Optimalna Volt/Var regulacija u distributivnim mrežama sa distribuiranim generatorima", Tehnika - Elektrotehnika,
    br. 2, 2011. godine, str. 261–298, (M51)
  6. D. Klimenta, V. Kuč, J. Radosavljević, "Specifični kvarovi kod podzemnih kablovskih vodova u blizini visokog rastinja", Elektroprivreda, Br. 1, 2009. godine,
    str. 70–79, (M51)
  7. A. Todorović, M. Jevtić, D. Klimenta, J. Radosavljević, "Određivanje grupe sprezanja energetskih transformatora pomoću trenutnih vrednosti napona", Energetika 2009, Energija-ekonomija-ekologija, br. 1-2, mart 2009. godine, str. 151–156, (M51)
  8. A. Todorović, M. Jevtić, J. Radosavljević, D. Klimenta, "Metodologija merenja stepena iskorišćenja asinhronih generatora i motora", Energetika 2009, Energija-ekonomija-ekologija, br. 1-2, mart 2009. godine, str. 288–292, (M51)
  9. M. Jevtić, A. Todorović, J. Radosavljević, D. Klimenta, "Mogućnost povećanja energetske efikasnosti mikrohidroelektrana malih vodozahvata primenom inovirane cevne turbine", Energetika 2009, Energija-ekonomija-ekologija, br. 3-4, mart 2009. godine, str. 179–182, (M51)
  10. J. Radosavljević, M. Jevtić, D. Klimenta, A. Todorović, "Analiza distributivne mreže sa postojećim i budućim MHE u slivnom području Trgoviškog Timoka",
    Energetika 2009, Energija-ekonomija-ekologija, br. 3-4, mart 2009. godine, str. 271–279, (M51)
  11. D. Klimenta, J. Radosavljević, "Računarski algoritam za određivanje ekvipotencijalnih linija fizičkih polja u dvodimenzionalnom prostoru", Elektroprivreda, br. 1, 2007. godine, str. 67–80, (M51)
  12. J. Radosavljević, M. Jevtić, D. Klimenta, "Određivanje optimalne lokacije malih elektrana u radijalnim distributivnim mrežama", Elektroprivreda, Br. 1, 2006. godine, str. 63–71, (M51)
  13. D. Klimenta, "Nestacionarna stanja zagrevanja/hlađenja izolacije podzemnih kablovskih vodova", Elektroprivreda, br. 3, 2003. godine, str. 87–94, (M51)
    14. N. Krstić, D. Tasić, D. Klimenta, "The influence of ground wires on the resistance and reactance of high voltage overhead power lines", Safety  engineering, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2021, pp. 85-90,
  14. D. Klimenta, D. Tasić, M. Jevtić, An alternative method of increasing the transmission performance of a conventional 110 kV cable line, Journal of Energy
    Technology, Vol. 12, Issue 3, 2019, pp. 19–29, (M52)
  15. B. Perović, D. Klimenta, M. Jevtić, M. Milovanović, The effect of different sky temperature models on the accuracy in the estimation of the performance of a
    photovoltaic module, Journal of the Technical University of Gabrovo, Vol. 59, 2019, pp. 78–82, (M52)
  16. D. Klimenta, M. Jevtic, D. Tasic, J. Klimenta, B. Perovic, M. Jevtic, Analytical and numerical modeling of the effect of the tilt angle on natural convection from ETCs and PV panels, Humanities and Science University Journal - Technics, ISSN: 2222-5064, No. 10 (2014), pp. 148–161, (M52)
  17. D. Klimenta, B. Perovic, M. Jevtic, J. Radosavljevic, N. Arsic, Thermal FEM-based procedure for design of energy-efficient underground cable lines, Humanities and Science University Journal - Technics, ISSN: 2222-5064, No. 10 (2014), pp. 162–188, (M52)
  18. J. Radosavljević, M. Jevtić, D. Klimenta, "Analiza rada trofaznog samopobuđenog asinhronog generatora primenom genetičkog algoritma", Elektroprivreda, br. 3, 2010. godine, str. 199209, (M52)

Papers from international conferences
  1. D. Klimenta, M. Panić, J. Klimenta, M. Stojanović "FEM-based Arrhenius modeling of the thermal effects of a heating pipeline and pavements on underground power cables", The 5 th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Green Energy – CEEGE 2022, Berlin, Germany, June 8-11, 2022, (M33)
  2. M. Šućurović, D. Klimenta, N. Raičević, B. Perović, "The effect of aging of surface non-metallic coatings on the ampacity of medium voltage rectangular bus bars", The 7th Virtual International Conference on Science, Technology and Management in Energy (eNergetics 2021), December 16-17, 2021, (M33)
  3. M. Tomović, M. Jevtić, D. Klimenta, J. Radosavljević, "Optimal design and techno-economic analysis of a wood-based biogas/hydro/solar hybrid system for a remote pond", The 4 th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Green Energy – CEEGE 2021, Munich, Germany, June 10-13, 2021, (M33)
  4. N. Krstić, D. Tasić, D. Klimenta, "The influence of ground wires on the resistance and reactance of high voltage overhead power lines", The 15th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics – PES 2021, Niš, Serbia, August 30-September 1, 2021, pp. 74-77, (M33)
  5. N. Krstić, D. Tasić, D. Klimenta, "Optimal placement of photovoltaic panels in photovoltaic systems considering shading effect", The 9 th International  Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources (9th ICREPS), Belgrade, Serbia, October 15, 2021, (M33)
  6. M. Gajić, M. Jevtić, J. Radosavljević, S. Arsić, D. Klimenta, "Phasor particle swarm optimization for solving problem of pricing in electricity market",  International Scientific Conference "UNITECH 2021" – Gabrovo, Bulgaria, November 1920, 2021, (M33)
  7. M. Jevtić, M. Jevtić, J. Radosavljević, S. Arsić, D. Klimenta, "Optimal power flow and prices in the electricity market using the hybrid PPSOGSA algorithm", International Scientific Conference "UNITECH 2020" – Gabrovo, Bulgaria, November 2021, 2020, (M33)
  8. M. Jevtić, M. Jevtić, J. Radosavljević, D. Klimenta, S. Arsić, "Phasor particle swarm optimization for solving problems of power flow and pricing in the electricity market using the supply chain equilibrium model", The 4th International Conference on Engineering Technologies ICENTE20, Selçuk University in Konya, Turkey, November 19-21, 2020,, (M33)
  9. D. Klimenta, M. Jevtić, D. Andriukaitis, "An alternative method of increasing the ampacity of a 110 kV underground cable line using photovoltaic floor tiles and a hydronic concrete pavement system", The 3 rd International Conference on Electronics & Electrical Engineering ICEEE-2020, Montreal, Canada, July 29-30, 2020,, (M32)
  10. D. Klimenta, D, Tasić, M. Jevtić, "Increasing the ampacity of a 110 kV underground cable line by an application of a hydronic asphalt pavement system", The 14th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics – PES 2019, Niš, Serbia, August 26-28, 2019, pp. 1-4, (M33)
  11. D. Klimenta, M. Jevtić, M. Milovanović, "Comparing the effects of solar heating on low voltage underground cables with PVC and XLPE insulations," The 47th International Scientific Forum "Week of Science SPbPU" 2018, Saint Petersburg, Russia, November 19-24, 2018, Part 2, pp. 24–26, (M33)
  12. D. Klimenta, M. Jevtić, J. Klimenta, B. Perović, "The effect of solar radiation on the ampacity of an underground cable with XLPE insulation," The 4th Virtual International Conference on Science, Technology and Management in Energy (eNergetics 2018), October 25-26, 2018, pp. 197–204, (M33)
  13. D. Klimenta, M. Jevtić, J. Klimenta, B. Perović, "A review on new methods for increasing the ampacity of underground power cables: Cool and photovoltaic
    pavements," The 6 th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources (6th ICREPS), Belgrade, Serbia, October 11-12, 2018, pp. 15–21, (M31)
  14. D. Klimenta, M. Jevtić, J. Klimenta, B. Perović, "Increasing the ampacity of underground power cables by an application of photovoltaic pavements," The 6 th
    International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources (6 th ICREPS), Belgrade, Serbia, October 11-12, 2018, pp. 105–114, (M33)
  15. D. Klimenta, M. Evtič, Y. Radosavlevič, "Modelirovanie yelektričeskogo soprotivlenija izoljacii dlja nužd termičeskogo analiza PVH i SPYE kabeley v uslovijah povreždenija", V Meždunarodnaja naučno-tehničeskaja konferencija po yelektričeskoy izoljacii "YElektričeskaja izoljacija – 2010", Sankt-Peterburg, 1-4 ijunja 2010 g., str. 1018, (M31)
  16. B. Perović, D. Klimenta, M. Jevtić, M. Milovanović "An analytical model for estimating the temperature of a photovoltaic module based on the principle of energy balance", The 5 th International Conference on Renewable Electricity Sources "ICREPS 17" – Belgrade, October 12-13, 2017, pp. 89–95, (M33)
  17. A. D. Micić, P. Lj. Spalević, D. O. Klimenta, "Design of MIMC pitch controller for large scale wind turbine generator", International Scientific Conference  "UNITECH 2016" – Gabrovo, Bulgaria, November 1819, 2016, (M33)
  18. D. Klimenta, D. Ćetenović, B. Perović, J. Klimenta, "Modelling the passive cooling of roof-mounted PV modules by using the modified correlations for heat transfer coefficients due to wind-induced convection", The 4 th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources "ICREPS 16" – Belgrade, October 17-18, 2016, (M33)
  19. B. Perović, D. Klimenta, J. Radosavljević, M. Jevtić, "Analysis of the ambient temperature effect on the PV modules efficiency using empirical correlations for natural convection", The 4th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources "ICREPS 16" – Belgrade, October 17-18, 2016, (M33)
  20. D. Klimenta, B. Perović, J. Klimenta, M. Jevtić, "Analytical and numerical modeling of the effect of tilt angle on natural convection around an ETC", III International scientific and technical conference "Computer Modeling and Simulation-2014 (COMOD-2014)", Saint Petersburg, July 2-4, 2014, (M33)
  21. D. Klimenta, M. Jevtić, D. Tasić, J. Klimenta, "Modeling the effect of tilt angle on natural convection from a ground-mounted PV panel", III International scientific and technical conference "Computer Modeling and Simulation-2014 (COMOD-2014)", Saint Petersburg, July 2-4, 2014, (M33)
  22. M. Jevtić, M. Tomović, D. Klimenta, Dj. Novković, "Energy-economic analysis of hybrid system for remote pond supply", III International scientific and  technical conference "Computer Modeling and Simulation-2014 (COMOD-2014)", Saint Petersburg, July 2-4, 2014, (M33)
  23. D. O. Klimenta, M. D. Jevtić, O. A. Anisimova, J. N. Radosavljević, "Insulation modelling for thermal analysis of XLPE cables under short circuit conditions", XII International Conference on Physics of Dielectrics "Dielectrics 2011", Saint Petersburg, May 23-26, 2011, pp. 209–211, (M33)
  24. D. O. Klыmenta, M. D. Evtič, Y. N. Radosavlevič, O. A. Anisimova, "Modelirovanie svoystv izoljacii PVH kabeley dlja nužd termičeskogo analiza korotkogo zamыkanija", XII Meždunarodnaja konferencija po fizike diyelektrikov "Diyelektriki – 2011", Sankt-Peterburg, 23-26 maja 2011 g., str. 240–242, (M33)
  25. N. Rajaković, S. Nikolajević, D. Klimenta, "Unstationary States at the Conductor Heatings of the Underground Cable Lines in the Distribution Networks", MedPower Conference, Athens, November 2002, (M33)

Radovi sa domaćih konferencija
  1. M. Jevtić, M. Jevtić, J. Radosavljević, S. Arsić, D. Klimenta, "Solving combined economic and emission dispatch problem using Phasor particle swarm optimization", The 65 th National Conference on Electronics, Telecommunication, Computing, Automatic Control and Nuclear Engineering – ETRAN 2021, Ethno village Stanišići, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, September 8-10, 2021, (M63)
  2. D. Klimenta, D. Tasić, N. Krstić, D. Radosavljević, "A procedure for designing PV-powered DC water pumping systems with fixed PV panels based on the historic weather data from meteorological online services", International Conference "ENERGETIKA 2021 – U SUSRET ZELENOM OPORAVKU", Zlatibor, Serbia, June 22–25, 2021, (M63)
  3. N. Krstić, D. Klimenta, D. Tasić, D. Radosavljević, "Determining the optimal tilt angle of photovoltaic panels considering the shading effect in photovoltaic systems", International Conference "ENERGETIKA 2021 U SUSRET ZELENOM OPORAVKU", Zlatibor, Serbia, June 22–25, 2021, (M63)
  4. D. Klimenta, B. Perović, J. Klimenta, M. Jevtić, "Controlling the thermal environment of the underground power cables by means of public paved areas", XIII
    International Scientific-Professional Symposium INFOTEH – Jahorina 2014, Vol. 13, March 19-21, 2014, (M63)
  5. D. Klimenta, B. Perović, J. Radosavljević, M. Jevtić, "An algorithm to determine the continuously permissible loads of overground un-insulated conductors", IX
    Conference on Electricity Distribution of Serbia (CIRED SERBIA 2014), Vrnjačka Banja, September 22-26, 2014, (M63)
  6. D. Klimenta, B. Perović, M. Jevtić, J. Radosavljević, "Heating of the double-blade switch-disconnectors designed for outdoor applications", IX Conference on
    Electricity Distribution of Serbia (CIRED SERBIA 2014), Vrnjačka Banja, September 22-26, 2014, (M63)
  7. J. Radosavljević, M. Jevtić, D. Klimenta, "Optimal power management and voltage/frequency regulation in micro-grids", IX Conference on Electricity
    Distribution of Serbia (CIRED SERBIA 2014), Vrnjačka Banja, September 22-26, 2014, (M63)
  8. D. Klimenta, B. Perović, J. Klimenta, M. Jevtić, "Passive cooling of PV panels: the case of PV panels and solar chimneys integrated in the roof of a family house", XIII International Scientific-Professional Symposium INFOTEH – Jahorina 2014, Vol. 13, March 19-21, 2014, (M63)
  9. D. Klimenta, J. Peuteman, J. Klimenta, "A solar chimney power plant with a square-based pyramidal shape: theoretical considerations", XIII International Scientific-Professional Symposium INFOTEH – Jahorina 2014, Vol. 13, March 19-21, 2014, (M63)
  10. D. Klimenta, B. Perović, D. Anđelković, A. Todorović, "Analitički algoritam za određivanje trajno dozvoljenih opterećenja horizontalnih sabirnica sa  pravougaonim poprečnim presekom", INFOTEH 2013, 20.-22. mart 2013. godine, (M63)
  11. D. Klimenta, M. Jevtić, J. Radosavljević, B. Perović, "Modeliranje izolacije za potrebe termičke analize PVC i XLPE kablova u uslovima kratkog spoja", INFOTEH 2013, 20.-22. mart 2013. godine, (M63)
  12. 12. J. Radosavljević, M. Jevtić, D. Klimenta, "Određivanje optimalnih tokova snaga u distributivnim mrežama primenom gravitacionog pretraživačkog algoritma", INFOTEH 2013, 20.-22. mart 2013. godine, (M63)
  13. D. Klimenta, B. Pajković, J. Radosavljević, D. Anđelković, "Zagrevanje podzemnih telekomunikacionih kablova usled struja indukovanih kratkim spojem – teorijska razmatranja", 18. Telekomunikacioni forum TELFOR 2010, Beograd, 23.-25. novembar 2010. godine, str. 302–305, (M63)
  14. D. Klimenta, B. Pajković, J. Radosavljević, D. Anđelković, "Određivanje termički pouzdanog položaja za instalaciju DFOTS sistema u paraleli sa podzemnim
    energetskim kablovima", 18. Telekomunikacioni forum TELFOR 2010, Beograd, 23.-25. novembar 2010. godine, str. 768–771, (M63)
  15. J. Radosavljević, M. Jevtić, D. Klimenta, "Kontrola napona trofaznog samopobuđenog asinhronog generatora", XI Međunarodni naučno-stručni simpozijum
    INFOTEH – Jahorina 2012, Jahorina, 21.-23. mart 2012. godine, CD Zbornik radova, Vol. 11, str. 65–70, (M63)
  16. J. Radosavljević, M. Jevtić, D. Klimenta, "Modelovanje transformatora i distribuiranih izvora u proračunu nesimetričnih tokova snaga distributivnih mreža",
    VIII Savetovanje o elektrodistributivnim mrežama Srbije sa regionalnim učešćem (CIRED Srbija), Vrnjačka Banja, 23.-28. septembar 2012. godine, CD Zbornik radova, Referat R-6.17, (M63)
  17. D. Klimenta, S. Nikolajević, M. Sredojević, "Regulacija toplotnih karakteristika ambijenta na toplotno kritičnim mestima podzemnih energetskih kablova – deo I: Matematički modeli i algoritmi", JUKO CIGRE, XIX Simpozijum o kablovima, Tara, 18.-21. septembar 2006. godine, str. 122–138, (M63)
  18. D. Klimenta, S. Nikolajević, M. Sredojević, "Regulacija toplotnih karakteristika ambijenta na toplotno kritičnim mestima podzemnih energetskih kablova – deo II: Generisanje mreže konačnih elemenata i praktična razmatranja", JUKO CIGRE, XIX Simpozijum o kablovima, Tara, 18.-21. septembar 2006. godine, str. 139–153, (M63)
  19. N. Rajaković, S. Nikolajević, D. Klimenta, "Nestacionarna stanja zagrevanja provodnika podzemnih kablovskih vodova u distributivnim mrežama – prvi deo", 17. međunarodni simpozijum o kablovima – ICS'2002, Zlatibor, 22.-26. septembar 2002. godine, str. 51–59, (M63)
  20. N. Rajaković, S. Nikolajević, D. Klimenta, "Nestacionarna stanja zagrevanja provodnika podzemnih kablovskih vodova u distributivnim mrežama – drugi deo",
    17. međunarodni simpozijum o kablovima – ICS'2002, Zlatibor, 22.-26. septembar 2002. godine, str. 61–69, (M63)

Books and monographs
  1. D. Klimenta, "Modeliranje termodinamike kratkih spojeva na podžemnim energetskim kablovima primenom metode konačnih elemenata", Fakultet
    tehničkih nauka u K. Mitrovici, K. Mitrovica, 2017. godine. (istaknuta monografija nacionalnog značaja, M41)
  2. D. Klimenta, "Termički procesi u elektroenergetici – opšti deo", Fakultet tehničkih nauka u K. Mitrovici, K. Mitrovica, 2012. godine. (univerzitetski pomoćni udžbenik)

National projects
  1. Naziv projekta: Proračun gubitaka i eksperimentalna verifikacija proračuna za distributivno područje Elektrodistribucije Beograd i iniciranje mera za sniženje gubitaka
    Finansijer projekta: Vlada Republike Srbije
    Rukovodilac projekta: Prof. PhD Dragan Tasić
    Evidencioni broj: EE-202-177A
    Trajanje projekta (angažovanje): dve godine (01. jul 2003. – 01. jul 2005.)
    Istraživačka pozicija: istraživač – teaching assistant
  2. Naziv projekta: Razvoj modela mikro-hidroelektrane na brani sistema za navodnjavanje sa ispitivanjem i analizom njegovog rada u distributivnom i izolovanom sistemu
    Finansijer projekta: Vlada Republike Srbije
    Rukovodilac projekta: Prof. PhD Miroljub Jevtić
    Evidencioni broj: EE719-1032B
    Trajanje projekta (angažovanje): dve godine (01. jul 2004. – 01. jul 2006.)
    Istraživačka pozicija: istraživač – teaching assistant
  3. Naziv projekta: Istraživanje mogućnosti gradnje mini-hidroelektrana na vodotokovima severnog Kosova i Metohije i definisanje njihovog spregnutog rada
    Finansijer projekta: Vlada Republike Srbije
    Rukovodilac projekta: prof. PhD Nikola Maričić
    Evidencioni broj: EE-273017A
    Trajanje projekta (angažovanje): jedna godina (01. jul 2006. – 01. jul 2007.)
    Istraživačka pozicija: istraživač – teaching assistant
  4. Naziv projekta: Optimizacija distributivne mreže sa četrnaest mikro- hidroelektrana lociranih na Trgoviškom Timoku
    Finansijer projekta: Vlada Republike Srbije
    Rukovodilac projekta: prof. PhD Miroljub Jevtić
    Evidencioni broj: EE-223014B
    Trajanje projekta (angažovanje): jedna godina (01. jul 2006. – 01. jul 2007.)
    Istraživačka pozicija: istraživač – teaching assistant
  5. Naziv projekta: Istraživanje 16 mikro-hidroelektrana sagradjenih u slivnom području Timoka u cilju povećanja njihove energetske efikasnosti
    Finansijer projekta: Vlada Republike Srbije
    Rukovodilac projekta: prof. PhD Miroljub Jevtić
    Evidencioni broj: EE18001
    Trajanje projekta (angažovanje): dve godine (01. jul 2008. – 01. jul 2010.)
    Istraživačka pozicija: istraživač
  6. Naziv projekta: Razvoj modela male hidroelektrane za izolovano napajanje ribnjaka i mikromreže sa različitim obnovljivim izvorima energije
    Finansijer projekta: Vlada Republike Srbije
    Rukovodilac projekta: prof. PhD Miroljub Jevtić
    Evidencioni broj: TR33046
    Trajanje projekta (angažovanje): 9 godina (01. januar 2011. – 31. decembar 2019.)
    Istraživačka pozicija: istraživač

International projects
  1. Naziv projekta: Energy balance in time-discretized magneto-mechanical finite element analysis of electrical machines
    Finansijeri projekta: Academy of Finland and Aalto University
    Rukovodioci projekta: prof. PhD Antero Arkkio i prof. PhD Timo Eirola (Aalto
    Supervizor: prof. PhD Antti Hannukainen (Aalto University)
    Evidencioni broj: 259873
    Trajanje projekta (angažovanje): tri godine (01. decembar 2014. – 31. decembar
    Istraživačka pozicija: istraživač – postdoktorant
  2. Project name: Electrical Energy Markets and Engineering Education (project acronym: ELEMEND, project number: 585681-EPP-1-2017-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP)
    Project coordinator: Technological Educational Institute of Central Greece, Greece
    Project financiers: European Commission (with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme
    of the European Union)
    Project duration: three years (October 15, 2017 – October 14, 2020)
    Project budget: 930 543.00 EUR
    Web pages:, and
  3. Project name: Development of training network for improving education in energy efficiency (project acronym: ENERGY, project number: 530379-TEMPUS-l- 2012-1-LV-TEMPUS-JP)
    Project coordinator: Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia
    Project financiers: European Commission (within the frame of the program Tempus IV)
    Project duration (engagement): three years (October 15, 2012 – October 14, 2015)
    Research budget: 1 440 049.15 EUR
    Web pages:, and